Duration 49:18

बैदेशिक रोजगारलाई रोक्नसक्ने एभरेष्ट किनोकोले ल्यायो सिताके च्याउ कृषि प्रबिधि

6 722 watched
Published 10 Feb 2020

Welcome To Everest Kinoko Pvt. Ltd. एभरेष्ट किनोको प्राइभेट लिमिटेडमा स्वागत छ। नेपाली बाट पढ्नुको लागि कृपया तल स्क्रोल गर्नु होला। 日本語で下スクロールして下さい。 Everest Kinoko was established in December 2013 and was registered as a private limited on 4th July 2014. "Kinoko" means Mushrooms in Japanese and chyau (च्याउ) in the Nepali language. si'ī means chestnut tree, tākē means mushroom. = si'ītākē means mushroom of the chestnut tree. This page is regarding various mushrooms including Shiitake mushroom cultivation. Day by day, the numbers of Nepali youth agricultural entrepreneur are interested in doing Shiitake mushroom cultivation in Nepal. In addition, along with the South Asia countries, it has increased its influence in India, Srilanka, Bangladesh, and Bhutan. The numbers of Nepali youth agricultural entrepreneur are increasing. However, due to the lack of technology, the agricultural entrepreneur is surrounding by problems in this business. Everest Kinoko always warmly welcomes who are interested in Shiitake mushroom cultivation. Our aim is to focus mainly on Shiitake Mushrooms and extend the other popular Japanese mushrooms cultivation widely in whole Nepal. This can help agriculture development for our country and which can be a benefit for the youth agricultural entrepreneur. We are very happy to provide our technology, which we brought from Japan. Even seemingly small business in our country, and the economic benefits of backfiring a bit less unemployment, despite what we may have expected. It has also taken part as the healthy mushroom of the world. Shiitake mushrooms are high in B vitamins, and they serve as a food source of vitamin D. Some shiitake health benefits include its ability to aid weight loss, support cardiovascular health, fight cancer cells, improve energy levels and brain function, reduce inflammation, and support the immune system. This mushroom cultivation makes your life rich in domestic better than working abroad. When this cultivation grows very well, any people of Nepal can be exported either India or the third part of the other country in the world. The land of Nepal is suitable for various mushrooms cultivation. Unfortunately, a high temperature is not. Shiitake Mushroom cultivation is seasonal and produces only for four months in Nepal, but the Japanese technology made possible to produce the all the year round. Because of this reason, Our Company members, who have expended near about 20 years in Japan, have learned about this business and Shiitake mushroom cultivation. Everest Kinoko will be glad to share our technology with you in providing better knowledge about Shiitake cultivation with appropriate way from Japan. We are dealing with the latest computerized auto machines for inoculation, hand inoculation tools, drilling machines all these are specially made for Shiitake mushroom cultivation, thermometer, humidifier, humidity meter, and humidity maintain tools, auto and manual water supply tools, hygienic packing machines, and materials and Spawn ware made from Japanese collaboration, which is manufactured by our company. This our spawn can be cultivated in both summer and winter all the year round. We can provide all you need. Everest Kinoko has established a laboratory with the necessary equipment to produce quality Japanese spawn of different strains. Therefore, we are here to guide you to the systems of Shiitake cultivation, which will take you through the commercial way. We will try our best to give you good planning, suggestions, and recommendation, which will be able to reach up to your desire. Thank you. एभरेष्ट किनोको प्राइभेट लिमिटेडमा स्वागत छ। एभरेष्ट किनोको सन् २०१३ डिसेम्बर महिनामा मा स्थापित भई सन् २०१४ जुलाई ४ तारिकमा एक निजी प्राइभेट लिमिटेड कम्पनीको रूपमा दर्ता भएको थियो। ( किनोको) को अर्थ हो च्याउ, जापानी भाषामा च्याउलाई किनोको भनिन्छ। जापानी भाषामा (सिई= कटुसको रुख,+ ताके= च्याउ) अर्थात् कटुसको मुदामा फल्ने च्याउ ( सिईताके ) यो पृष्ठ सिईताके च्याउको खेती सहित विभिन्न मशरूमको बारेमा छ। नेपाली भूमि विभिन्न जातका च्याउहरु खेती गर्न उपयुक्त छ । दुर्भाग्यवश, यो उच्च तापमान क्षेत्रहरूमा उपयुक्त छैन । दिन,प्रतिदिन नेपालमा नेपाली युवा कृषि उद्यमीहरु सिईताके च्याउ खेतीमा रुचि राख्ने किसानहरुको संख्या बढ्दै गएको देखिन्छ । तर, प्रौद्योगविज्ञहरु र प्रविधि को कमीको कारण यो व्यवसाय मा समस्या आई पर्दछन्। एभरेष्ट किनोको सदैव सिईताके खेती मा रुचि राख्ने किसानलाई स्वागत गर्दछ। हाम्रो उद्देश्य मुख्य रूपले सिईताके च्याउलाई ध्यान केंद्रित गरिएको छ भने अन्य जापानी लोकप्रिय च्याउहरुको खेतीलाई पनि नेपाल भरि विस्तार गर्दै जाने लक्ष्य लिएका छौं । यस च्याउहरुको खेती गर्नाले किसानहरूलाई लाभ हुनु साथै, कृषि विकासमा हाम्रो देशलाई मदत गर्न सक्छ। सानो नै व्यवसाय भएता पनि यसले हाम्रो देश मा अलि भएपनि बेरोजगारी कम गर्न सक्छ भनि हामीले यो प्रविधि भित्र्याएका हौं । हामीले जापान देखि ल्याएको यो प्रविधि, प्रदान गर्न पाउँदा हामीलाई खुसी हुनेछ। धन्यवाद


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