Duration 16:11

Detail about Agile Scrum in Tamil

3 529 watched
Published 25 Jul 2021

Detail about Agile Scrum in Tamil Agile Interactive and Incremental Approach Agile Principles 1. Customer no need to wait for long time 2. We develop, test and release no of features 3. We can accept/accommodate requirement changes Advantages 1. Requirement changes are allowed in any stage of development 2. releases will be very fast 3. Customer no need to wait for long time 4. Good communication between team 5. It is very easy model to adopt Disadvantages 1. less focus on design and documentation Roles Product Owner Define the features of the product Prioritize features according to market value Adjust features and priority every iteration, as needed Accept or reject work results Scrum Master The main role is facilitating and driving the agile process Team Members Develop and test the software Scrum Terminology User Story : A Feature/module in a software Epic : collection of user stories Product backlog: contains list of user stories prepared by product owner Sprint/Interation: Period of time to complete the user stories, decided by the product owned and team, usually 2 - 4 weeks of times. Sprint planning meeting : meeting conducts with the team to define what can be delivered in the sprint and duration Sprint backlog: list of committed stories by Dev/QA for specific sprint Scrum meeting : meeting conducted by the scrum master everyday 15 mins What did you do yesterday? what will you do today? Have any impediments in your way? Sprint retrospective meeting: conducts meeting after completion of sprint. The entire team including both the Scrum Master and the product owner should participate What went well what went wrong improvement Areas Store point : Estimate of user stories, will be given by team it's in Fibonacci series 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 .... Burndown chart: shows how much work remining in the sprint, Maintained by the scrum master daily Scrum Board: Stories-ToDo -In Progress- Testing- Done


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